3D-4D Sonography and Ultrasound


Sonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal body structures. Sonography is also known as ultrasound.

Sonography is commonly used to examine the development of the fetus. It can also determine the location, age and number of the fetus and potential birth defects.

Ultrasound is also used to determine potential pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic masses, abscesses, endometriosis. It is also used to examine the reproductive system for patients with infertility issues.

Our Expertise

At the fetal medicine unit of the Venus Women’s Hospital, we have Dr Sweta Patel, who have vast experience in the field of antenatal sonography including genetic scans, targeted fetal anomaly scans, colour Doppler, fetal echocardiography and fetal neuro sonography.

Our team provides fetal and maternal care in an environment of compassion, knowing that the mother and family are dealing with some very difficult decisions and fear about the future.

We offer prenatal screening, foetal diagnosis and treatment services that give due consideration to you, the mother and your baby throughout the pregnancy period and after delivery.

Prenatal screening

Prenatal screening is testing for diseases in a fetus before it is born. Screening test tell you your chances of having a baby with down’s syndrome, trisomy 18 or open neural tube defects.

Foetal diagnosis

Foetal birth defects can be detected before birth because of our experts and the world-class imaging technology available at the Venus Women’s Hospital

Genetic counselling

A genetic counsellor will discuss your family history with you, explain the diagnostic procedures available and guide you to make the best decision for your baby.

Fetal Imaging

Because ultrasound uses sound waves to create its images, it has been shown to be safe for both mother and child. A complete fetal examination using ultrasound involves imaging the baby's head, heart, kidneys, spine, stomach, umbilical cord, bladder and placenta to determine if any abnormalities exist. The same fetal exam can also be used to check for the possibility of multiple births, unusual orientation, and if the baby is positioned correctly, the sex can also be determined. By taking measurements of the fetus, a doctor can also determine the gestational age of the baby to help date the pregnancy.

In some cases, early in the first trimester, a special examination using an endo vaginal (inside the vagina) transducer may be conducted to check for conditions not easily recognized with the standard, more widely used trans-abdominal (outside the abdomen) examination.

3D and 4D Ultrasound Scan

3D ultrasound is a medical ultrasound technique used in Obstetric Ultrasonography [pregnancy] to get three-dimensional images of the fetus. 3D scans allow doctors to foresee subtle changes associated with specific problems that can arise during pregnancy.

4D ultrasound [fetal ultrasound] is similar to the 3D scan, but with a slight difference. It allows a three-dimensional picture in real-time. 3D ultrasound provides a three-dimensional image of the baby, whereas 4D ultrasound creates a live video-like effect where you can see the baby smiling and yawning.

Sonography Services

  • Prenatal screening
  • Foetal diagnosis
  • Genetic counselling
  • Fetal Imaging
  • 3D and 4D Ultrasound Scan

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