Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy Care

Antenatal care or 'pregnancy care' is the healthcare and support you have while you're pregnant.. Antenatal care means how your health, and the health of your baby is monitored before your baby's delivery.Early and regular antenatal care is recommended to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Recommendations include antenatal visits, nutritional care, education and other patient-specific issues..Once you realize or suspect your pregnancy, you should make an appointment with your Doctor to discuss your antenatal care.

Best Pregnancy Care Hospital in Rajkot – Providing International Standards' Antenatal Care

Why Venus?

At VENUS Hospital, we have highly expert Team in delivering excellence in the Pregnancy Care. Not only our infrastructure and facilities are world-class, but our expert specialists also have wide experience in treating expecting mothers.


Pregnancy Classes

Pregnancy classes, also called birth and parenting classes, prepare to-be-parents for Pregnancy Care, labour, birth, breastfeeding and caring for a newborn baby.

What topics do prenatal classes cover?

Through Pregnancy Classes, we provide you with scientific guidance for pregnancy care. Our classes are Evidence-based and teach couples about A to Z of Parenting.

  • Looking after yourself in pregnancy, including suggestions about good nutrition, preparation of healthy foods and what not to eat.
  • Scientific knowledge of pregnancy
  • Various breathing techniques for managing pain in labour Options are available for a pain-free delivery.
  • Relaxation techniques.
  • Prenatal yoga and asanas for maintaining flexibility and stamina.
  • Traditional or natural remedies to handle common problems associated with pregnancy such as back pain, acidity, swelling and so on.
  • Preparing for labour and birth.
  • Using music and reading to bond with your unborn baby.
  • Maintaining good communication between you and your spouse through pregnancy.
  • Interactive discussions on preparing mind and body for pregnancy and beyond.
  • Breastfeeding and its benefits.